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��ѧ��ѧ  2012, Vol. 34 Issue (7): 12-0    DOI:
�θ�ǰ��-�γ̲̽� ����Ŀ¼ | ����Ŀ¼ | ������� | �߼�����  |   
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Abstract�� With the utilization of the objective analysis tool with 5 dimensions, learning objectives of solution content in five typical science textbooks were analyzed and compared. The result shows that the learning objectives in Chinese science textbooks are good in hierarchy and focus but poor in comprehensiveness, clarity and generation.
Key words��   
�ո�����: 2012-03-19; ��������: 2012-07-09
ͨѶ����: ����     E-mail: snowdazzling@sohu.com
����. ��ѧ�̲�“Ŀ������”ˮƽ�Ĺ��ʱȽ��о�[J]. ��ѧ��ѧ, 2012, 34(7): 12-0.
MA Juan-Juan. [J]. , 2012, 34(7): 12-0.
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